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Well Connected

You can find lots of useful information, contact numbers, groups and support agencies out there acorss North and South Lanarkshire, click on this link to read the full booklet:

Well Connected Information

The Well Connected programme has been shown to help people by:

  • Improving self-confidence & self esteem
  • Reducing low mood
  • Reduce feelings of stress
  • Helping people deal with some of the problems that are causing low mood such as money worries, loneliness & unemployment
  • Helping people develop positive ways of coping with the challenges of life
  • Increasing opportunities for social contact
  • Learning new & useful skills
  • Improving community spirit
  • Increasing the number of people taking part in arts, leisure, education, volunteering, sports & other activities

Our newly updated Well Connected App is free to download on the App store & Google Play, just search for Well Connected Lanarkshire.

                  Invest In People Gold R       Invest In Wellbeing Silver R

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