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Rechargeable Repairs

Where the need for a repair which is the tenant's responsibility (i.e. as a result of vandalism, negligence, destructive actions taken by the tenant or visitors to the property or where no action by the Association could result in serious damage to the property and/or neighbouring homes) the Association will undertake for the tenant a rechargeable repairs maintenance service.

Rechargeable Repairs Policy

Clear advice will be provided to tenants when such a repair is identified, in relation to:

  • Their responsibilities under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement with respect to payment of recoverable charges.
  • Obtaining their agreement prior to any work being instructed, unless in an emergency situation.
  • Recovery of sums due in line with the Association's Debt Recovery Policy.
  • For further information on Rechargeable Repairs please call our Contact Centre on 01698 268855 or you can view a full copy of our Policy to the right.

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