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We provide landscape maintenance services to several estates in North and South Lanarkshire. Factoring customers are charged their share of any landscaping costs through the quarterly factoring invoices. 

The landscape maintenance contract consists of certain core items, however other works are carried out to both hard and soft landscaped areas, as necessary. Detailed below are the core items which we aim to carry out annually, weather permitting:

grass cuts – regular cuts of the common grassed areas during the growing period (April to October);

litter picks;

weed control;

rough grass cuts;

shrub maintenance visits;

shrub pruning (winter);

shrub trim; and

hedge maintenance visits.

The estate will also be visually inspected by Clyde Valley Group staff four times during the year.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the landscaping service, please call our Contact Centre on 01698 268855 or on 


We provide a reactive, cyclical and investment repairs and maintenance service to factoring customers to maintain the common parts of our factored buildings and estates. If you live in a block of flats which is factored by us, we may carry out repairs to common areas such as the close door, secure door entry system, or the roof. If you live in a house within one of our factored estates, we may carry out repairs to areas such as communal fencing, communal drainage, and pathways. 

Each individual property, building or estate is different and what is considered a ‘common part’ is set out in your title deeds. Your percentage share of any communal repair costs is also stated in your title deeds. 

We have the authority to instruct repair works if we expect the share of the total costs of the works payable by each property owner to be under £150.00. We will contact you, advising you of any repair where the costs are expected to be higher than the £150.00 per property. If a common repair is an emergency or poses a health and safety risk, we have the authority to instruct the work without prior consultation with the property owners, even if the cost is higher than £150.00 per property. 

We make every effort to ensure that we provide our factoring customers with effective communication, appropriate consultation and a price that represents value for money. 

If you would like to report a common repair, please call our Contact Centre on 01698 268855.

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