The Scottish Housing Regulator today published three updated factsheets for tenants and social landlords about complaints and significant performance failures.
The factsheets give information to tenants about making a complaint about a social landlord, and about how to contact the regulator about a significant performance failure by their landlord. The third factsheet explains to social landlords how the regulator will handle a report about a significant performance failure.
A significant performance failure is a serious concern about a landlord which significantly affects a number of tenants. Telling the regulator about a significant performance failure provides a way for tenants to raise serious concerns which may put tenants’ interests at risk.
Helen Shaw Director of Regulation said “We have published updated information on how to make a complaint and report a significant performance failure to support tenants to raise any issues of concern. We have also asked social landlords to share our factsheet on significant performance failures with their tenants to make sure tenants are aware of how to report significant performance failures to us.”
You can find more information on the SHR website here