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Rent first

Rent First!

Clyde Valley Housing Association knows that money is tight and at times, it can be difficult to make ends meet, especially over the festive period.

It’s imperative you prioritise your rent commitments and ensure your rent is paid over Christmas and New year to prevent any risk to your tenancy.  Paying your rent not only sustains your tenancy but it helps us to keep improving your community and to deliver important services including:

·        Essential repairs and maintenance to your home when you need it

·        Improvement programmes such as new kitchens, bathrooms, and windows

·        Regenerating our community and surroundings

·        Expert Welfare Rights delivered by our Income Maximisation Officers

Our Revenue team are keen to help you make acceptable arrangements. We will review your income and expenditure to ensure payment plans proposed are affordable. Our staff will also provide you with information about benefits you may be entitled to that will assist you with your housing costs.

The team has also been successful in applying to funds to help clear many of our tenant’s arrear balances. Over a 2-week period commencing 28.11.22, our Revenue Officer will attempt to contact tenants in receipt of Housing Benefit and Universal Credit to help you apply for Discretionary Housing Payment. This fund can be paid to help tenants meet a shortfall liability between their rent and benefit entitlement or to make a hardship payment which could reduce or clear your arrear balance in full.  Please don’t wait for a call.  Contact your Revenue Officer now to make an appointment to apply to this fund.

The team can also make referrals to our Income Maximisation Officers who can provide you with advice and support to apply for benefits. We can also make referrals or signpost you to external debt advice agencies who can help you with money matters and with benefits.

Please act now by calling our team on 01698 268855 or by emailing us at



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