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Ken Gibb

Kenneth Gibb is a professor at the University of Glasgow. A lifelong housing researcher, Ken directs the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

Apart from academic work focused on housing economics and analysis of housing policy, he has recently shifted to climate change research relating to the retrofit of the existing housing stock.

Projects include evaluation of tenement EnerPHit retrofit, research on the market for air source heat pumps, and analysis regarding regulatory requirements to improve EPC ratings in the private rental market. Ken is a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing, a Fellow of the RSA and the Academy of Social Sciences.

He is a trustee and board member of the Centre for Homelessness Impact and the Urban Studies Foundation, and he was previously chair of Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association.

Ken lives in Motherwell and is delighted to have the opportunity to play a role on the board of Clyde Valley Housing Association.

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