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We invoice our factoring customers on a quarterly basis and the invoice periods are as follows:

  • 1st January – 31st March
  • 1st April – 30th June
  • 1st July – 30th September
  • 1st October – 31st December

Your factoring invoice may include charges for the following:

  • Management fee (charged quarterly in advance) 
  • Your share of any landscape maintenance charges for your estate
  • Your share of any common repairs in accordance with your title deeds
  • Insurance (if provided by Clyde Valley Factoring Ltd)
  • Close cleaning charges (where applicable)
  • Any administration charges in accordance with our Factoring Policy and Arrears Policy. Accounts that fall into arrears will be recharged administration costs and any legal costs incurred in any arrears action

Payment Methods

We have various payment methods available to our customers. 

  • PAY BY PHONE – Please call 01698 268855 to make a telephone payment.
  • DIRECT DEBIT – We offer monthly or quarterly direct debits. Please contact a member of the factoring team to discuss setting up a direct debit for your factoring charges. 
  • STANDING ORDER – Please use the bank details provided on your factoring invoice to set up a standing order. Please use your account reference number on your invoice as your payment reference. 
  • ALLPAY CARD – Use your Allpay card to pay at your local post office or any shop with the ‘Pay Point’ sign. If you do not have an Allpay card, please contact a member of the team to request a new card. 
  • CHEQUE – Please make out any cheques to ‘Clyde Valley Property Services’. Cheques can be posted to our offices at 50 Scott Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PN.

Payment Plans

If your account has fallen into arrears or you are unable to clear your balance in one payment, we would be happy to discuss a payment plan with you. If you are having any difficulty in paying your factoring charges, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be able to agree a suitable payment arrangement.  You can find contact details here 

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