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Fuel Bank Foundation

We know that the coming months are going to be tough, and that the much-heralded increase to the energy price cap is going to be significant and push many more households into fuel crisis.  We are working with the Fuel Bank Foundation to support Households who are struggling with vouchers of £49 to top up your pre payment meter and provide a bit of breathing space.   

Juggling finances and managing an energy account can be tricky but your supplier can give you a helping hand should you need it if you are:  The first step is the most important - get in touch with your supplier if you are:

  • Worried about paying your electricty or gas bill
  • Struggling to top up your meter
  • Needing some short - term support or your cicrumstances recently changed  

If you have tried speaking to your supplier but are still struggling to make ends and you meet the following criteria:

  • you/your household is responsible for paying for your electricity and/or gas
  • you/your household pay for your electric and/or gas via a prepayment meter 
  • you/your household is close to or already using the emergency credit facility on your electric and/or gas meter or you have been dis-connected 

Please contact us to request support for a fuel voucher, you can do this by calling or emailing in to our Contact Centre on 

01698 268 855 

Please note, vouchers can only be issued to housholds who have a pre-payment meter and meet the above criteria.

For further information on the scheme please read the folllowing two leaflets: 

Fuel Bank Extra Support Leaflet 

Fuel Bank Voucher Leaflet 

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