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Dangers of Energy Theft

At Clyde Valley Housing Group, we understand that the cost-of-living crisis is a worry for everyone, as a direct result of this according to the trade associations in Scotland, there is a worrying increase in the reported rise in meter tampering. Energy theft is dangerous and a crime and can lead to preventable injuries and devastating fatal tragedies, under no circumstances should you tamper with the utility meters in your home.


Our Wellbeing Hub has many fantastic resources and funding available to support our customers, if this is something you require, please get in touch with us on 01698 268855.


According to Stay Energy Safe 

  • 50% of the UK population know nothing about energy crime
  • 28% of people know what energy theft is, but don’t know the signs to spot, read on for more info..



Electricity meter tampering can cause electrical fires and electrocutions. To find out more about the danger of electricity theft click here.


it can be hard to spot the signs of electricity theft, here are some things to look out for. This list is not exhaustive and if you have suspicions of anything that is not on the list below you should still always report it:

  • The meter casing may be smashed, broken or removed completely and the cables disconnected
  • Wires sticking out or wrapped around and connector clips attaching them to the meter
  • Parts of the plastic casing melted or scorch and burn marks on the meter
  • Meter shows credit has run out but electricity is still available
  • Dials on the meter aren’t going around even when electricity is being used
  • A smell of something burning or even smoke or sparks near the meter box



Gas explosions can happen when as little as 5-15% of gas gets mixed into the surrounding air in a room. If a gas meter is tampered with it can cause gas leaks within a property which risk fires and catastrophic explosions. To find out more about the danger of gas theft click here.


it can be hard to spot the signs of gas theft, here are some things to look out for. This list is not exhaustive and if you have suspicions of anything that is not on the list below you should still always report it:

  • A meter that’s been turned around the wrong way so you can’t see the normal dials
  • A smell of gas near the meter box
  • Where pipes should be there are bits of rubber tubing instead
  • There’s no visible dial or counter on the meter any more
  • Meter shows credit has run out but gas is still available
  • Dials on the meter aren’t going around even when gas is being used


How to report energy theft

Report your suspicions of energy theft 24/7, 365 days a year by calling the Stay Energy Safe hotline on 0800 023 2777 you can remain 100% anonymous.


For more information, please visit Stay Energy Safe

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