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CVG Charity of the year

Every year CVG staff nomiate charities they would like to see the organisation support over the course of the year.  This is then put to a staff vote to decide who we will support.

The Miracle Foundation Scio believe every child should be able to reach their full potential.  They are are there to support children and young people who have experienced bereavement and trauma through counselling and arts therapies.  They provide a safe space for young people to recover and restore their mental and emotional well-being and health.

To find out more about this amazing charity please check out their website The Miracle Foundation

Our main fundraising event of the year for The Miracle Foundation will be on 5th June, where our staff will walk, run or cycle around Strathclyde park.  Collectively we are aiming to walk the distance from John O'Groats to Lands End which is around 603 miles.  We will be looking to rasie as much money as possible via sponsorship, if you would like to contribute at all you can do so via our Just Giving Page

Other ways in which we raise money for our nominated Charity are through;

- Employee pay giving

- Mini fundraising activites such as Football cards and raffles 

- Staff volunteering at events organised by The Miracle Foundation

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