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Change of cleaning contractor

The Association recently carried out a tender exercise on the open market for our cleaning services which includes the cleaning of closes, close windows, and close doors. The Association received six bids for the new contract. After we carried out an evaluation, the contractor that provided the best value for money offer was CAS Contract Cleaning Ltd. They will shortly introduce themselves to you by placing notices in your closes. This will include contact details should you ever need to highlight anything after a close has been cleaned. As with anything new, we expect there to be some disruption to your service for the first month as they take over from Complete Cleaning Services, our current supplier.


Due to the festive period and to allow the TUPE transfer of staff, the new contract will commence with CAS Contract Cleaning Ltd on Monday, 15th January 2024. The last day of service for 2023 will be Friday, 29th December 2023. This means that there may be a longer interim period between your close being cleaned. This is normally every two weeks. Closes will be prioritised to ensure this period is as short as possible. Your normal day of cleaning will be subject to review and may change to ensure the schedule runs as efficiently as possible. Notices will be placed in your close to confirm the new arrangements in due course.


We ask that you therefore bear with us whilst we transition the services to ensure continued value for money for you and the Association. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or comments.

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