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Are you in Energy/Fuel related debt?

Towards the end of 2020, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations advertised that they had been provided with £2million from the Scottish Government, this money was specifically to support tenants in Social Housing who are at risk or currently experiencing the effects of the increase in energy prices and who may be struggling to pay bills or clear any energy related debts.

All Housing Associations were invited to submit a grant application and we are delighted to let you know that we have received a massive £137,000 from this fund.

This pot of money will allow us to support you by:

  • Providing financial support with clearing energy related debt to allow you to move to a cheaper tariff

  • Providing Fuel Vouchers to those who may be struggling to top up their pre-payment meters

  • Making simples quick fixes to your home by providing fixtures and fittings such as thermal curtains, draft excluders, energy efficient lightbulbs etc

  • We will also look to run energy awareness campaigns around steps that can be taken to help reduce bills and how to be more energy efficient.

This funding is open to ALL CVHA customers, in order for us to support you clearing any energy related debt we will require a copy of your latest energy bill.  We will then look to pay an agreed amount with you to your energy company.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, you can contact us and request support via our Contact Centre and have your name added to our referral list.  Please note though that as you can imagine we have had a large number of customers call us, our Energy Advisor only works part time so if you havent heard from us yet please be assured that we will be in contact as we work our way through the referral list.

Remember to submit your meter readings by 31st March 

  • Everyone needs to take gas and electricity meter readings on March 31st.  Regardless of what meter you have, smart or otherwise.  Ideally a photo of both meters showing the readings and meter serial number

  • Submit the meter reading to your energy supplier right away.  If for whatever reason you cant submit that day, you have photos as evidence of meter readings and the date they were taken.

Why does everyone need to do this?

  • As most people now know, on 1st April 2022, the new OFGEM energy price cap comes into force.  This means much higher energy rates for millions of people
  • Its incredibly important therefore suppliers are not given the opportunity to charge energy units used at the old lower rates before 1st April, at the newer higher price caps rates after 1st April 2022

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