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Allocations policy review 2021

We have reviewed our internal process which forms part of Clyde Valley Housing Association’s (CVHA) Allocation Policy in line with changes required to enable us to let our homes during Covid19 restrictions and beyond. 

CVHA’s Allocation Policy was last updated in August 2020 to reflect structure changes, however, the document was last fully reviewed in 2016.

Covid19 restrictions, particularly in Tier 4, have required our team to move to a more digital offering to ensure the safety of our customers and staff by minimising face to face contact. Our Covid19 compliant way of working ensures those who can engage with us digitally receive an excellent level of customer service through the use of technology whilst we continue to provide face to face and paper based services for those customers who are most vulnerable and who are digitally excluded.

It is important for us to engage with our customers in order to gather their views. The changes we have made to our processes in order to be able let our homes as safely as possible are outlined below.

As a Common Housing Register partner to each of the three local authorities where we have housing stock, CVHA have adopted the Allocation Policy of each of the Councils. The fundamental criteria for the assessment, pointing, eligibility and allocation of properties will therefore not be changed as a result of this review. The review will address internal processes to enable us to continue to let our homes safely.

Should you wish a copy of each local authority Allocation Policy these can be found at the links below or if you require a hard copy please contact us and we will provide one:

North Lanarkshire Council

South Lanarkshire Council

East Dunbartonshire Council

In order to be able to continue to let our homes safely we are proposing the following changes to our internal Allocation Policy process:

Provisional Offers of Housing

We propose moving from provisional written offers to provisional offers being verbal. Only where we are unable to contact an applicant by telephone will we issue a provisional offer in writing, this could be by email or post. This will reduce our timescales in relation to days to let and offer a more efficient process for our customers.

Response Times to Formal Written Offers

On receipt of a formal written offer applicants had 72 hours to respond, we are proposing reducing this to 48 hours to confirm acceptance of same. Acceptance can be verbal or written (email or post), where an applicant intends to respond by post they should advise their Allocations Officer of this as it may take longer than 48 hours to arrive with us and be processed. The reduction in response time can be reduced as the applicant will already have had a conversation with a CVHA Officer at the provisional offer stage indicating that they wish to proceed.

Pre-Allocation Visits and Rechargeable Repairs

Due to Covid19 restrictions we are unable to visit applicants at home to carry out pre-allocation visits and tenancy inspections. These are now down virtually either over the telephone or using virtual meetings. Where an applicant is a CVHA customer they will be asked to sign a disclaimer confirming that they accept responsibility for any rechargeable repairs identified at pre-inspection by our Technical Officer once the property is returned to CVHA.

Digital Sign-ups

We propose the introduction of ‘digital sign-ups’. Where an applicant has an email address and access to the internet we will send all sign up paper work via this route to enable us to allocate our properties digitally, however, where an applicant requires hard copies we will provide these in order to meet their needs. All new customers will be required to sign and return a hard copy of their Tenancy Agreement once they have moved into their home.

Targetted Lets

Properties identified as ‘Targetted Lets’ can be allocated at the discretion of CVHA provided they meet the existing identified criteria:

The property has been offered and refused three times

The property has been fit to view for three weeks or more

There is no queue for the property

Local authorities consult tenants and strategic partners in developing and reviewing their Housing Allocation Policies and seek to reflect current legislation and good practice.

In order to reflect the legislative requirements and ensure good practice we are consulting with you on the above changes. In addition to asking for your views in our Customer Bulletin we will also consult online via our website and Twitter and provide an opportunity via Survey Monkey for customers to provide us with your views.  If you would like to provide us with any feedback please give us your views;

  • Using  this link
  • call us on 01698 268855 
  • email

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