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CVG Privacy Statement

Clyde Valley Housing Association manages a significant amount of data, from a variety of sources. The Association needs to gather and use certain information about individuals in order to perform its functions. These can include customers (tenants, factored owners etc.), employees and other individuals that the Association has a relationship with.

The personal data that CVHA holds about individuals is processed by different companies within its group. The company that processes the data of an individual depends on the relationship that individual has with CVHA.

The personal data of CVHA’s tenants and employees is processed by Clyde Valley Housing Association Limited.

The personal data of factored owners, mid-market property owners, and mid-market property tenants is processed by Clyde Valley Property Services Limited through its three subsidiaries:

  1. Clyde Valley Lets (for mid-market property tenants).
  2. Clyde Valley Factoring (for factored owners); and
  3. Innov8 Housing Solutions Limited (for mid-market property owners).

You can read more in our Privacy Policy here.

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