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Food Banks

The rise in the cost of living has affected everyone, but for those already struggling to make ends meet its been devastaing.  We have partnered with The Trussell Trust to provide an easy referral route for customers to access this needed service.  If you are struggling please dont hesitate to contact us and we can make a referral to a local foodbank for you.

How it works 

  • You can request a referral by speaking to our Contact Centre staff or any o our Housing and Revenue Officers
  • They will fill in an online application with you over the phone
  • Once your details have been entered, the online form will give a drop-down list of the foodbank centres closest to you, once you've selected your preferred place this online form goes striaght to that centre
  • You just then need to turn up at your chosen centre, you do not need to take anything with you 

Points to be aware of 

  • Foodbank centres are run by volunterrs and operate various opening hours.  If you have made a request for a referral late on in the day it might be the next morning before you will be able to pick up a parcel
  • We have no control on what foodbanks may or may not have in stock, items they are available are down to donations
  • Foodbanks do not offer a delivery service nor is this something CVHA can provide 
  • Generally after 3 referrals to a foodbank the Trussell Trust will look to check that you have sought other help and whether you have any other services inplace.  For example, have you spoken to your Revenue Officer for an Income/Expenditure check, have you had a referral to our Income Maximisation service to ensure you are receiving everything you are entitled to.

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