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CVG Facebook

You can find our Facebook page at the top of this page and from the homescreen of our website.  This is the easiest way to look for us as until we build up a following it will be harder to find us via an internet search.

We hope to use our Facebook page as another means of engaging with you, our customers. We will look to:

  • Share up dates on our services
  • Signpost you to relevant information and services
  • Share whats happening in your local areas
  • You can now also direct message us through Facebook Messenger, this will go straight to our Contact Centre staff 

Our Facebook page will only be monitored through the hours of Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 4.30pm.  As with all Facebook pages we will not tolerate any offensive or abusive langauage that is aimed towards any customers, groups/people within our communities and any of our staff.  Any of these messages found to be posted will be removed and the person who posted will be blocked.

We want having a Facebook page to be of benefit to you and a way of increasing the channels of communication and engagement you can have with us.  If you would like to share any thoughts on what you think we should be posting please dont hesitate to get in touch, and please go give us a follow and a like! 

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