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Connecting Scotland Ipads

We are delighted to say that after a successful submission to Connecting Scotland we received 120 Ipads and Mobile WiFi access for our customers who are digitally excluded.  This is a Scottish Government programme set up in response to coronavirus. It provides iPads, Chromebooks and support to develop digital skills for people who are digitally excluded and on low incomes.

We have now handed out 120 ipads to our customers who met the criteria of being;

- Digitally Excluded

- Do not have access to an appropriate device to access the internet

- Not connected to the internet at home

- Have a low income and can’t afford to buy a device or pay for internet access and

- Are a household with children or

- Care leaver up to age of 26

Thank you to everyone who got in touch and apologies to those who have missed out this time, all ipads have been handed out and we are no longer able to take any further requests. 

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