We will be supporting the 16 Days Against Domestic Violence from 25th November – 10th December. During this time, our staff will have access to a variety of training and resources to help increase their knowledge within their roles and to not only be abke to spot signs of oabsue but how to support victims as well.
To find out more about the pledge please click here
Some of the measures we have put in place to meet the four commitments are as follows:
1. Put in place and embed a policy to support residents who are affected by domestic abuse
- This policy is currently being updated by the Housing Managers and will be approved at the Board meeting in February 2021.
2. Make information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on your website and in other appropriate places so that they are easily accessible for residents and staff
- This has been updated and you can find the information here: Tenant Domestic Abuse
3. Put in place a HR policy, or amend an existing policy, to support members of staff who may be experiencing domestic abuse
- Our policy has been drafted and will go to the Board for approval February 2021.
4. Appoint a champion at a senior level in your organisation to own the activity you are doing to support people experiencing domestic abuse
- Our Senior Champions are Lisa Beresford, People Director and Lee Valentine Customer Service Manager.
Some stats on Domestic Abuse:
· The number of charges for domestic abuse crimes in Scotland has risen to its highest level in four years, according to prosecutors.
· The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) also said the proportion of cases resulting in court proceedings was at a six-year high.
· More than 1,000 offences were charged under new laws designed to combat controlling behaviour.
· The figures cover the 12 months to 31st March 2020.
· Overall, 30,718 domestic abuse charges were recorded, up 5.7% on the previous year, while more than nine out of 10 (92%) offences were prosecuted.
(BBC News, 2020)
To find out about some of the partnership work we are invoved in with Womens Aid plese view this short clip